human complete skeleton;anterior and posterior view

lateral and anterior view of skull

functions of skull:Functions of the skull include protection of the brain, fixing the distance between the eyes to allow stereoscopic vision, and fixing the position of the ears to help the brain use auditory cues to judge direction and distance of sounds. In some animals, the skull also has a defensive function (e.g. horned ungulates); the frontal bone is where horns are mounted.

vertebral column

The vertebral column serves two main purposes.

The vertebrae are support for the body's frame,
keeping it standing upright. It connects the head
to the rest of the body.

To serve as protection for the spinal cord. The bony rings surround the sensitive spinal canal, which transmits the body's electrical transmissions from the brain to the rest of the body.

thoracic cage


Its primary function is protection of the thoracic viscera, the heart and lungs. Its secondary function is to assist with breathing by being moved up and our (inhalation) of down and in (exhalation) but muscles called the intercostals.

pelvic bone

It is part of the Os Coxae and helps form the pelvic girdle. It also has a joint between the two bones called the pubic symphysis and it softens during pregnancy so when a woman delivers a baby it comes apart enough to allow th baby to pass through the birth canal.

bones of lower limbs and foot

joints and their movements

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